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Malesco si presenta

From 26 to 31 July 2021 with the patronage of the Municipality and the Ecomuseum, we decided to propose this initiative, entitled "Malesco presents itself". The goal is to encourage the consumption of services or goods of local merchants and promote them with an initiative limited in time but of great tourist and social appeal. The initiative will be addressed to everyone, both residents and tourists who will not be bound to participate in the festival.

During the whole week of Malescorto, the merchants who have chosen to join the initiative will propose a series of promotional packages, limited to that period of time, in order to attract new customers or to guarantee a new and original offer. The promotional packages will be in the form of side events (e.g. aperitifs, walks in the historic center) or special offers (ad hoc menus, discounts of various kinds, limited edition products and so on).

All customers who take advantage of these proposals, during the week, will receive a coupon from the merchant. This will be in the form of a scratch-off ticket.

Of these coupons a certain number will be winning and their owners will be able to benefit from one of the prizes that can be collected at the Pro Loco of Malesco.

For more info download the official leaflet.


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